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Ticket #177 (closed enhancement: fixed)

Opened 2007-10-08T11:18:09-05:00

Last modified 2008-01-18T16:06:03-06:00

Additional plugin options

Reported by: melissa Owned by: melissa
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: plugins Severity: major
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:


Two new ImageJ plugin features have been requested:

  1. Open each plane in a separate window. This is easy to do if "merge channels" is unchecked, but becomes more difficult with "merge channels" checked.
  1. Swap dimensions, and possibly manually specify Z/C/T sizes.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 2007-10-08T11:44:45-05:00 by curtis

The dimension swapping feature should probably utilize the forthcoming Bio-Formats GUI components, which will include a widget for selecting which dimensional axes are which, both for file stitcher and within each file.

comment:2 Changed 2007-10-08T14:02:43-05:00 by melissa

Feature #1 added in r3244.

comment:3 Changed 2007-10-12T14:00:59-05:00 by curtis

Instead of "Open each plane in its own window," why not have "Open each focal plane in its own window" and "Open each time point in its own window"? Then you could check both of those along with "Open each channel in its own window" and get the same result. And it would provide an easy way to separate out the data into distinct Z stacks or time series, which people have been asking me for lately.

comment:4 Changed 2008-01-18T16:05:44-06:00 by curtis

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Severity set to fatal

We now have separate options to split time points, split focal planes, and split channels, as well as the ability to manually reorganize the stack order, so I'm closing this ticket.

comment:5 Changed 2008-01-18T16:06:03-06:00 by curtis

  • Severity changed from fatal to major