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Ticket #205 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 2007-10-26T13:38:52-05:00

Last modified 2007-10-29T10:06:05-05:00

Window titles can become too long

Reported by: curtis Owned by: melissa
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: plugins Severity: serious
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:


The Importer plugin currently uses the full path name, plus the image name, as the window title. For long path names, this string can be very long. Also, the image name is often a copy of the full path name, compounding the issue (see attached screenshot).

Instead, we should use just the filenames (sans path) in image windows, and only include the image name if it differs from the filename.

Even after making these changes, the filename itself could be extremely long, or a very long image name might be embedded in the metadata. As such, we should also check the string lengths for the filename and the image name, and if either is too long, shorten them by cutting out a portion and replacing with ellipses (...) instead.


long title.jpg (172.5 KB) - added by curtis 2007-10-26T13:39:09-05:00.
Example of the problem from Tony Collins

Change History

Changed 2007-10-26T13:39:09-05:00 by curtis

Example of the problem from Tony Collins

comment:1 Changed 2007-10-29T10:06:05-05:00 by melissa

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Fixed in r3325. The window title is now file name plus the series name (if series is non-null and not equal to the file name). If the resulting string is greater than 128 characters, we replace the middle (length - 124) characters with "...".