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Ticket #753 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 2012-10-05T16:54:49-05:00

Last modified 2012-10-08T15:03:12-05:00

Threshold mask doesn't work when binning is in effect.

Reported by: aivar Owned by: aivar
Priority: major Milestone: slimplugin1.2
Component: slim-plugin Severity: serious
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:


Binning increases the photon count beyond the threshold.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 2012-10-08T15:03:12-05:00 by aivar

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Code was doing binning before thresholding, so I switched it to do thresholding first, then binning.

My original intent was to have the threshold be the photon count required for a fit. So perhaps binning might be needed for a given pixel to make that photon count and get fitted. However in TRI2 a given threshold remains in effect no matter how much you bin.

The behavior now is if a pixel is thresholded out it won't be included in the binning. It's as if the TRI2 Window/Pre-processing/Extend under mask checkbox is off. This means the edge pixels don't get binned as much.