NOTICE! This is a static HTML version of a legacy LOCI Software ticket.

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Ticket #763 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 2012-10-23T11:26:36-05:00

Last modified 2013-03-26T13:09:10-05:00

BF-ITK doesn't preserve LUTs

Reported by: hinerm Owned by: hinerm
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: other Severity: serious
Keywords: Cc: curtis, hinerm
Blocked By: Blocking:


The BF-ITK plug-in does not preserve color lookup tables, thus this information is lost after reading and writing.

Ideally, ITKBridgePipes would send back the LUT when reading the image information, which the imageIO plug-in would store and return when invoking Write().

Change History

comment:1 Changed 2012-10-24T09:27:29-05:00 by hinerm

comment:2 Changed 2012-10-30T17:30:56-05:00 by curtis

Cool. Two comments:

  1. Since BF-ITK is part of bioformats.git, in the future, shouldn't this sort of ticket be filed on the OME Trac rather than the LOCI Software one?
  1. Since you implemented the feature, should this ticket be closed now?

comment:3 Changed 2012-10-30T17:32:01-05:00 by curtis

@hinerm: also, since you are both the ticket reporter and the ticket owner, you don't need to add yourself to the CC list; you'll receive all the mails about it anyway.

comment:4 Changed 2012-10-31T09:34:52-05:00 by hinerm

Future BF-ITK tickets will be placed in the OME trac.. sorry about that!

This issue is now closed:

comment:5 Changed 2013-03-26T13:09:10-05:00 by hinerm

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed